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School Handbook

Parent Handbook


A student who receives all A's and B's in academic subjects and conduct, and S's in all cultural arts classes will receive an honor roll certificate. Honor roll certificates are issued at the end of each nine weeks and at the end of the year. Outstanding performance in other areas is also recognized.

ARP (Accelerated Reader Program)

Children in all grades are encouraged to participate in the Accelerated Reader Program (ARP) which promotes reading for enjoyment. Children read books and complete a computerized test on each book read. They earn points for reading and receive prizes as the points accumulate.


  • The school day begins at 8:40 a.m. for students in PreK4 through 5th grade. Students should arrive at school between 8:15 a.m. and 8:40 a.m. tudents may not arrive on campus before supervision begins at 8:15 a.m.
  • Students arriving after 8:40 a.m. must report to the office with a parent to sign in and receive a tardy pass.
  • Students riding school buses will be dropped off at the bus loading area on the gym side of the building (facing Lacoste Street). Car riders and/or nursery van riders must be dropped off at the cafeteria entrance on Plauche Street. Students may not be dropped off in any other areas of the school. This is a safety issue, and this policy will be strictly enforced.Walkers must enter the building through the front entrance only.
  • Walkers must use the sidewalks and cross the parking lot only in the center by the duty teacher.
  • Parents must park off campus if driving a child to school and walking him/her to the front door.
  • Students eating breakfast at school must report directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. Any student not eating breakfast at school will report directlyto the hallway outside of his/her classroom upon arrival. If your child is not a bus rider he/she must arrive by 8:25 a.m. in order to eat breakfast.
  • Parents are not allowed to walk students to class in the morning.

Tardies should be avoided. Repeated tardies may result in a parent conference and the loss of perfect attendance. Please try to prevent this from occurring. Excessive tardies (5 or more per semester) will be reported to the Child Welfare and Attendance Officer. When a child arrives late, the teacher must stop the lesson, update attendance in the computer, change the lunch count, and get the tardy child settled and caught up before the lesson can continue. Valuable instructional time is wasted for the entire class.


The school year consists of 180 days. Regulations specified by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education require elementary school students to be in attendance a minimum of 167 days to be eligible for promotion. The State allows no more than 14 absences per year at the elementary and middle school levels and 7 absences per semester at the high school. The State does not distinguish between excused and unexcused; all are counted as absences. A doctor's note for an appointment or a one-day illness does not prevent the absence from being counted toward the 14 day limit, and once the maximum number of absences allowed is reached credit will not be granted for the school year. Long-term illnesses will receive special consideration through our Office of Child Welfare and Attendance.

  • Parents of absent students will receive a phone call via the Automated Calling System to be sure that you are aware that your child is not in school.
  • A doctor's certificate is required when students are returning to school after having a communicable disease. The school district's Guide to Student Conduct contains information on communicable diseases.
  • Absences are closely monitored. Excessive absences and tardies (5 per semester) are reported to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance in accordance with State Law.
  • All doctor's notes must be submitted within five (5) days of returning to school.


  • Students must follow all bus rules contained in the St. Bernard Parish Guide to Student Conduct.
  • Mutual respect by the student and the bus driver should alleviate almost all problems.
  • Changes in bus assignment can only be made with an official change of home address or permission of the transportation supervisor. An official Transportation Form must be completed.
  • Problems concerning bus routes or pick-ups should be directed to the Supervisor of Transportation at 301-3941.
  • Students not observing common courtesies and obeying bus rules will be suspended from the bus. Riding the bus is a privilege.


If your phone number changes, please notify the school immediately. You can either come to school in person and speak to the secretary or write a letter to your child's teacher. Address changes require that you bring the necessary proofs of residence into the office and complete any required paperwork.


You must present identification to the office personnel, sign the child out, and state the reason for early checkout. Habitual checkouts will be reported to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance. When a child is checked out early, the learning of the entire class is interrupted because the teacher stops instruction to assist the child who is preparing to leave early. In the interest of safety, no child will be allowed to be checked out after 3:20 p.m. as this interferes with the preparation for our dismissal procedure.

Advance written notice from a parent must be sent if anyone other than a parent or person on the emergency card will be checking out a child. This person will be required to show proper identification upon arrival to check out the child.


Educators are required by state law to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to a Child Protection Agency.


Students in kindergarten through fourth grade receive instruction in self-contained classrooms. Fifth grade classes will have a block schedule, with one ELA/Social Studies teacher and one Math/Science teacher. The curriculum is aligned with the Louisiana Student Standards. Physical education, art, and music objectives are taught by teachers specialized in these areas. All students have access to the school library and computer labs.

Students who qualify for Special Education services will be instructed in the classroom setting specified on their Individual Education Program (I.E.P.). Guidance counselors and social workers are also available for students as needed.

Several intervention programs are provided for students who require additional assistance to meet their reading or math goals. A gifted program offers enrichment for students who meet evaluation criteria.


Students are expected to follow all school rules and behave appropriately. The teacher, the principal, or the assistant principal will contact a parent when a student consistently breaks the school rules. Refer to the Guide to Student Conduct for information regarding the different classes of behavioral infractions and possible consequences.

When a student is given a before-school or after-school detention as a consequence, the parent will be sent a written notice. The parent is responsible for providing transportation.When a student is suspended, the parent will be called in for a conference.

Please help your child develop good behavior habits as well as a proper attitude toward school. Become familiar with your child's class rules as well as the Guide to Student Conduct. Your child will be held accountable for obeying all class, school and district rules.


Students will be expected to:

  • Walk in the halls.
  • Report any problem with another student to the nearest adult (teacher, aide, bus driver, etc.)
  • Keep hands and feet to selves.
  • Avoid throwing objects.
  • Refrain from "calling names" or teasing another student.
  • Respect school property.
  • Use the bathroom facilities properly.
  • Obey all school, classroom, and bus rules.

Students should follow this line-up procedure after lunch recess:

  • "Freeze" on the first bell or whistle.
  • Walk quietly to the line when instructed to do so.
  • Quietly move to the classroom.

 Students in the cafeteria should:

  • Stay in a straight line. 
  • Keep hands and feet to themselves.
  • Speak softly when seated at the lunch tables.
  • Practice good table manners.
  • Listen for instructions to be dismissed.
  • Remain quiet during dismissal from the tables to empty trays.


Students should:

  • Play by cooperating with other students.
  • Avoid rough play.
  • Avoid running on all concrete areas.
  • Follow playground equipment rules established by the P.E. teachers.
  • Obey all safety rules.
  • Wait in designated areas for teachers to rotate turns on playground equipment.
  • Stay out of the area immediately surrounding the playground equipment when not using the playground equipment.


 Students waiting for the bus should:

  • Stay in line to wait for the bus.
  • Stay out of the street.
  • NEVER walk directly in front of, between, or behind buses.

Students on the bus should:

  • Stay seated in the assigned seat.
  • Speak quietly.
  • Keep hands and other objects inside the bus windows.
  • Report problems to the bus driver before leaving the bus.
  • Keep feet and school bags out of the aisles.
  • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before getting out of their seats.
  • Exit the bus single file at the school entrance in the morning and walk to their assigned areas in the building.
  • Board the bus single file at the bus loading zone on the side of the school in the afternoon.
  • Keep the bus clean. (No eating or drinking is allowed on the bus.)

Students who walk to and from school should:

  • Cross the street ONLY at the proper corners.
  • Always allow the traffic guards to assist them.
  • Always use the sidewalk. 
  • Go straight home and not return to the school grounds after dismissal.


Normal dismissal time is 3:40 p.m. for students in PreK-4 through 5th grade. No child may be checked out after 3:20, as this interferes with the safe and orderly dismissal of students.

  • Children will not be released to parents from the bus loading area.
  • Car riders will be dismissed through the side doors on Plauche St. Parents of car riders will be issued a card with your child's name. Keep the card in your car to show to the duty teachers as you approach the pick-up area. Your cooperation with this will greatly speed up the dismissal process.
  • Walkers will be dismissed from the front doors of the building. One line will dismiss walkers with a parent waiting, and a separate line will dismiss walkers without parents. Only children who WALK completely off campus will be considered walkers. Do not park your car on campus and walk to the front door to pick up your child. This creates a dangerous traffic situation. If you drive to school to pick up your child he will be considered a car rider and will be sent to the side entrance to be dismissed.
  • Permanent transportation changes cannot be made over the telephone or by notes sent from parents. These changes must be processed by completing paperwork in the office. Any student riding a bus may only be picked up and dropped off at the address on file with the transportation department. This policy is in place to protect your child. If there is a specific day when a bus rider will NOT ride the bus, a signed written note must be sent to the homeroom teacher. Students who are not normally bus riders are not allowed to ride the bus home for any reason unless a permanent transportation change request is completed.


Chalmette Elementary students participate in state-mandated drug education classes throughout the school year. The classes are taught by the physical education teachers and the guidance counselor. Fifth grade students will also participate in the D.A.R.E. program. Students are instructed in the dangers of substance abuse at an early age since research shows that more students are influenced by the information when it is introduced early. To act as role models in keeping with the Drug Free Schools Program, employees and parents are not allowed to smoke on the school grounds, within 200 ft. of the school, or on field trips in the presence of students.
Please refer to the Guide to Student Conduct for the Drug Dog Search Policy.


Natural emergencies and various types of man-made emergencies have occurred and will continue to occur in St. Bernard Parish. In the event Chalmette Elementary or any other school in St. Bernard Parish needs to be closed, the superintendent will notify the news media the morning of the closing in time for early morning news programs. Parents are asked to stay tuned to early morning radio and TV news reports for this information. Parents will also be contacted using the district's Emergency Mass Call System.

In the event schools need to be closed during the school day, the superintendent will employ the Mass Call System to contact parents. Local radio and TV stations will also be contacted to notify the public of the closure. Buses will transport all bus riders to their usual stops. Please make arrangements for someone to be home to meet your child.

Students who are picked up by parents will not be released until a parent has been contacted and that parent informs the school whether a family member or friend will pick up the child.

The Emergency Automated Calling System is capable of contacting all parents in a very short period of time. However it is only effective if the school has current emergency telephone numbers in the system. It is very important that parents notify the school immediately of any change in emergency phone numbers.


Chalmette Elementary sponsors a variety of extra-curricular activities, clubs, and events to enrich the school experience and meet the varied interests and abilities of our students. Each activity will have specific guidelines which will be distributed to students at the appropriate times. Written parent permission will be required for participation in all after-school activities. Parents will be responsible for providing transportation home, as no bus service is available for after-school activities.



Field trips are an integral part of the instructional program and help bring learning to life for students. Students are encouraged to attend all class-sponsored field trips. School dress code and all school rules are in effect for field trips. For each field trip, please send the money and permission slip in a well-labeled envelope. Permission slips or money cannot be accepted after the deadline for submission. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: No permission slips or money will be accepted from students who owe outstanding school fees (instructional fee, damaged/lost library or textbook fees, NSF check fees).

The rules for incentive field trips are established by the teacher. For incentive field trips, the teacher may withhold the field trip privilege for disciplinary reasons. For any field trip, students with severe discipline issues may be required to have a chaperone or may be prohibited from participating for safety reasons.

Parent chaperones are required to wear a CES spirit shirt for field trips. Chaperones must dress appropriately (NO shorts, flip flops, etc.) and must follow chaperone guidelines. Chaperones MUST ride the school bus to and from the field trip. Preschool children may not accompany chaperones on field trips. Smoking is never allowed on field trips. Parents must follow regular check out procedures after field trips. You will be required to show a valid Driver's License in order to chaperone a field trip. See VISITORS section for information on the Badge Pass Check In System.


It is the student's responsibility to report personal illness or injury to a teacher or staff member. If serious injury occurs, first aid is administered and parents/guardians are called immediately. This is another very important reason why the school should have a current home telephone number and at least three reliable emergency contact numbers.


Fund raisers are PTC sponsored activities and are intended to be family oriented. Sales are encouraged through family members, business contacts, and friends, NOT through door to door sales by students. Please do not let your child sell school items for fund raisers unsupervised.


Send all funds to school in an envelope marked with the student's name, homeroom, purpose for the funds and the amount. All checks should be made payable to Chalmette Elementary School.If an NSF check is received, the policy will revert to "cash only."  A $15.00 service charge will apply. NOTE: After April 30th, no checks will be accepted. All payments made after this date must be made in cash.


When a student becomes ill or has a suspected communicable condition, the parent will be required to come to check the student out of school. When a parent consistently fails to make arrangements to check out a child who is sick or has a contagious condition such as head lice, scabies, or any other communicable disease, the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance will be notified. Parents of students returning to school with a cast or other physical restriction must bring specific doctor's orders before the student will be allowed to return to class.


The library is open every day. Students may come to the library for recreational reading assignments and research with the permission of their teacher and librarian.

Each student has a regular library period as part of the curriculum. During this period, the librarian reads to the students, teaches them library skills, and instructs them on how to use a library properly. The students are also allowed to check out books during this time. If students fail to return their book on the due date, they may not check out another book until their overdue book is returned.

Students are responsible for books they check out. If a book is lost or destroyed, the student will be required to pay for it. If lost books are paid for and the books are found at a later date, the money will be returned to the student.


All elementary schools in St. Bernard will participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2018-19 school year. This provision provides one breakfast and one lunch each school day to all students enrolled at the elementary schools.


  • Canned and/or bottled beverages are not allowed in the cafeteria.
  • Commercially prepared food is not allowed (McDonald's, Burger King, etc.).


Please inform your child's teacher and the office if your child has any allergies or if he/she is on any type of medication. According to School Board policy, school personnel are not allowed to dispense medication of any kind unless we have the proper authorization from the school nurse. Arrangements for school office personnel to administer medication to a student requiring daily medication over an extended period of time must be made with the Nursing Supervisor at 301-2000. For short term medication requirements, parents are welcome to bring the medicine to the school office at the time it is due. The student will be called to meet the parent in the office to take the medicine. Students are not allowed to bring medicine of any kind (including cough drops, nasal inhalants, Chap Stick, etc.) to school.


The most effective communication between parents and teachers is the parent-teacher conference. Parents are encouraged to contact the school whenever the need arises. However, since class time belongs to ALL children, parent conferences should never be attempted during actual teaching time. To ensure sufficient time for your conference, pre-arrange it by calling the school office ahead of time to make an appointment. The conference will be arranged either before or after school hours or during the teacher's planning period that week. Teachers are available for conferences before and after school at the discretion of the teacher. The principal, assistant principal, guidance counselor, or teacher may sometimes request a conference with a parent. Please be sure to attend these meetings.

If at any time there is a problem with a teacher, please call and ask for a conference with that teacher. If still dissatisfied, ask to talk with the principal or assistant principal. Many problems can be resolved if communication lines are left open.

A Parent Access Center is available online. Through this website parents are able to view and monitor their child's grades between report cards. Username and login information for this site is available through the school secretary.

District and school websites are continuously updated, and each teacher has a webpage for sharing information such as homework assignments and upcoming events.


Chalmette Elementary welcomes parent volunteers! Parent volunteers are the key to the success for many of our school events and activities, such as Munchie Monday, Viking Buck Redemption, Fall Fest, and our school Book Fair. If you are able to volunteer in any capacity, please notify the office. All parents must check in at the office with a valid Driver's License to obtain a Badge Pass before going to any part of the building. Filling in the form sent home at the beginning of the year will expedite this process when you report to the office.


Mark all articles of clothing and personal items with the student's name. Please be sure to take the time to do this properly. Many items that end up in Lost and Found could be returned if labeled properly. Lost articles that are not marked and are not claimed in a reasonable time will be donated to a charitable organization. Students should bring only supplies and books necessary for class. Students are NOT allowed to bring cell phones, toys, dolls, stuffed animals, trading cards, radios, cassette/CD players, balls, electronic games, gum, etc. The school is not responsible for the loss of or damage to such items. HATS/CAPS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN SCHOOL AND/OR ON THE SCHOOL BUS UNLESS DESIGNATED BY TEACHERS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. Any banned articles will be taken away from students and held until picked up by a parent.


The St. Bernard Parish School Board adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal civil rights laws and regulations that are applicable to this agency. Therefore, no one will be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972); disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973); or age (Age Discrimination Act of 1975) in attaining educational goals and objectives and in the administration of personnel policies and procedures. Anyone with questions regarding this policy may contact:  

(504) 301-2000

200 East St. Bernard Highway

Chalmette, LA  70043


A student must achieve the objectives specified in the district and state curriculum. Students not meeting specified criteria for promotion are retained.

In Grades 1 - 5, a child will be retained if he/she earns a final grade of F in Reading/ELA and an F in Math. Summer remediation for Grades 1 through 5 is required if the student fails either Reading/ELA or Math. Promotional decisions will be made on these students after completion of summer remediation. Students who do not achieve mastery of objectives or who choose not to participate in summer remediation are retained.

Students in Grade 4 must attain at least a Basic in two subjects on the LEAP test. Students not meeting this standard will be required to participate in a remediation program.

Students in grades K-5 must be in attendance for at least 167 days during the school year. Doctor's excuses are only acceptable for extenuating circumstances. All absences are counted in the 14 day absence policy.

Students are considered for promotion/retention based on the promotion/retention policy set forth in the PUPIL PROGRESSION PLAN adopted annually by the St. Bernard Parish School Board and approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Student insurance is offered to children for a nominal fee. It covers a student at school, on the way to and from school, and on school-sponsored activities. Each child will receive a flyer regarding school insurance at the beginning of the school year. If you do not have adequate insurance coverage for your child, the student insurance is recommended.  The flyer will explain the procedure for enrolling your child in this insurance program.


Policy JCEA of the St. Bernard Parish School Board specifically prohibits students, employees, and/or visitors from engaging in sexual harassment. The School Board shall require any student complaint about sexual harassment reported to a teacher or counselor to be immediately reported to the principal. If you feel that your child has been a victim of sexual harassment please contact your child's principal immediately.The principal is responsible for investigating the complaint.The right to confidentiality for all parties shall be respected.

If you need assistance in filing a sexual harassment complaint, or if you wish to appeal the decision of your child's principal regarding his/her resolution of such, please contact the school district's investigating officer. If the complaint is against the principal of the school, please contact the Superintendent.

See the Guide to Student Conduct for additional information and procedures.


As a parent of a public school student you have the right to know the qualifications of your child's teacher. To obtain this information please contact the principal.


Third, fourth, and fifth grade students will take LEAP assessments in English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  Testing dates set by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. Grades 3 and 4 will complete paper and pencil tests. Fifth grade students participate in online testing.


Students will be assigned all required textbooks and workbooks. Each student is responsible for the proper care of these books. Payment will be required for all lost or damaged books. Book prices range from $5.25-$49.95. All textbooks should be covered with a book sock. Please help your child care for books properly.


It is the policy of the St. Bernard Parish School Board to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in all activities, programs and employment practices of the school district. Any questions or complaints concerning discrimination should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, St. Bernard Parish School Board, 200 E. St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, LA  70043, or call 504-301-2000.


To withdraw your child from our school, come to the office at least one day ahead of time to make an official request for withdrawal. This gives us time to collect all of the necessary information for you. Remember that teachers cannot be disturbed during class time to complete withdrawal forms.


Parents and visitors must report to the office, sign in, and be issued a Badge Pass before visiting anywhere in the school building or chaperoning a field trip. As an added precaution to ensure the safety of our students, Chalmette Elementary will require parents and other visitors to provide a valid Driver's License for a simple background screening before being issued a Badge Pass. Please be sure to bring your Driver's License with you to the office when making a school visit. Note that classroom observation by parents is not allowed due to privacy and confidentiality rules.

We encourage all parents and relatives who may plan to volunteer at school or accompany a child on a field trip during the year to complete the form sent home in the Back to School Envelope. This will expedite the check in process on field trip and special event days.